Curry Popcorn...
…critiques review...and the popcorn…
breaking out the popcorn (none of that microwave business) … for movie
night with the little sous and a thought/ idea occurred to me. Something
fun, simple and a new take on something so traditional… Queue curry
flavoured popcorn.
I came across this in the Victoria… We make it or the bar… funky little
ramekins filled with golden glowing popcorn adorn the walnut worktop
and they are a big hit with the punters. Bang!
night off and perfect opportunity to try this bad boy out on one of
Irelands most fiercely renowned popcorn critics, Abbie (AKA the little
So… At
home I like infuse oils… infused oils are oils that have the taste of
either herbs or spices combined with their own flavour adding another
dimension, a deeper flavour and big bang factor. They are simple to make
and I always have curry oil in the larder… the longer in storage the
more it fuses and trust me the depth of flavour combined with a good oil
will surprise you… but for now we shall roll with fast and simple… I
will however bang in my curry oil fusion recipe at the bottom
1/4 cup popcorn kernels
3 teaspoons olive oil
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt or garlic salt
1/4 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp cumin
How too
Get the little sous to mix all of
the above, minus kernels into a bowl… Pot on high heat… Bang all in. Lid
on and wait for that magic popping and more importantly your golden
curried nuggets… Movie on. Enjoy!
Curry Oil Fusion
1 1/2 cup curry powder

¼ tsp ground cumin
¼ tsp oregano
Pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper
¼ tsp minced ginger/chilli/garlic
3 cup canola oil
How to
simple is as simple does… I usually cook off a large pot of curry oil
that usually lasts for a while, and to be honest I found myself
scratching my sally noggin (head)…and then it occurred to me why… nope
not headlice… reason being every time I knock this out it is a case of
herbs and spices, bit of this and sprinkle of that, pretty much whatever
I in the larder. You will find nothing doesn’t work with curry oil, as
long as the basics are there… curry powder and granola… experiment!
pretty much all the ingredients above into a pot… onto a very low heat
and allow to heat gently for two hours… not boiling or simmering… a
gentle heat… allow to rest for a further hour then pass through a sieve.
I like to store my oil in tall milk bottle like glasses with a little
chilli at the bottom. Bang!
So subject to the aforementioned…
curry popcorn adventures have got me thinking about other popcorn
ideas… so far I Have tried dehydrated bacon, bltzed and sprinkled over
popcorn. Works but extremely salty for my palette. What really got me
excited was my left over dehydrated scallop roe… again blended and
dusted over the popcorn… and on a strange, somewhat Heston level it
works… I think… further experimentation required for sure.
The Critiques review
*slowly crunching into her curry flavoured popcorn, eyes raised as if
searching the inners of her critics store room, sharp intakes of breath
she lowers her eyes to her awaiting audience (thats me).. and says
"Hmm"... and returns her gaze to the movie... Bang!
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