So flicking through some old and retro cook books at work and came across this bad boy recipe that got me very, very eggcited (excuse the poor pun. Read on) the person that conjured up this creation should get some kind of egg Nobel award. I would love to meet them and get behind their thought process, pick their brains so to speak. Ingenious and I am still a slightly puzzled as to why this technique is not more widely used, never made it mainstream or main stage even. It is visually stunning. I love it.
I must admit I had my reservations of posting this on underpressure
firstly and foremost because of the stunning visuals of the end product
and secondly because of the scope, the elaboration the recipe is crying
out for because as you will see the finished product has bang factor
written all over its soft exterior although unfortunately, for me and my
culinary colleagues it lacks in flavour and verges on the borders of
bland. The due elaboration I, and others are thinking of and the greedy
reservations subsided. Food is to be loved, to be shared and as long as I
have like-minded foodies reading my blog, inevitably, I will share…
this is Chinese in origin and that is about as far as my knowledge goes
on his technique. I am guessing the reason the technique has not been
incorporated into top end cooking stems from the blandness o the
finished product. What would Heston do I wonder?

3/4 cup soy sauce
2 star anise
2 tea bags
1 cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon Sichuan peppercorn
2 strips dehydrated tangerine or mandarin orange peel
Bang your eggs into a pot of water and bring to the boil… lower the heat and let simmer for a further three minutes. Lift your eggs (leave your pot to one side, do not discard water) refresh in ice water to prevent cooking. Now using the back of s spoon gently tap the egg surface. Gently being the operative word. Do not break the shell surface. Think ballerina thoughts, light and delicate. The more cracks incorporated the funkier the design… Bang!
whack in all your ingredients to the pot. Add the eggs. Return to a
boil then reduce heat to a gentle simmer for around thirty minutes. Then
kill the heat altogether. Put a lid on the put and let steep overnight.
Strain and peel to the next morn to marvel at your marvel delights.
Hmmmm... Heston

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